It’s time for a change. Next Best Thing was intended to be a limited-run commentary focused on ways to stay connected digitally during stay-at-home orders. It will continue on, but as a public service announcement about local events, and we’re calling it Next Up.
First up this time is Carnival of the Animals, presented by Ballet Wichita. The free, family-friendly production is described as a “colorful journey…
Naftzger Park, downtown at the corner of Douglas and St. Francis, has three upcoming events.First up is SHiNE Dance Fitness — a dance workout for ages 8…
Spring began on March 20, but it’s finally feeling official as the outdoor events and activities we look forward to each year start back up.This coming…
February is Black History Month, and there are several local opportunities to be entertained and informed this month and well beyond.This Thursday at 6:30…
If, like me, you miss trivia night at your favorite local bar, get a cocktail to go instead and check out nprpresents.org. There you’ll find the virtual…
Wichita’s NEA Big Read kicks off this Saturday with a live celebration at 2:30 p.m. on KPTS Channel 8. Usually held in October, last year’s program was…
One of my favorite things to do over the holidays is curl up with a blanket and some hot cocoa and watch something festive. Once you’ve blown through all…
Yes, the winter holidays are going to be different this year, but rather than sulk, let’s look for new ways to come together and honor the holiday…
Last Friday was the First Friday of November, but if—like me—you were still recovering from election night, then you weren’t in any shape to leave the…
Halloween will be here soon, and there are plenty of ways to celebrate outdoors with the little ones:Sedgwick County Zoo presents Boo at the Zoo on…
A typical October in Wichita is jam-packed with festivals, fairs and events. Although things are quite different this time, there's still plenty to do…