Miembros de la comunidad están pidiendo a la gente que sepa sobre una nueva ley cuyo lenguaje vago podría dañar a hogares de estatus-mixto.
Luz María De Loera, who defines health as stability and positive feelings such as happiness and self-fulfillment, has been working hard in recent years on…
When Veronica Mireles’ son complained he was in severe abdominal pain, she rushed him to a Wichita emergency room. No interpreter was provided for the…
There are nearly 70,000 Spanish-speaking people living in Wichita, many who could head to the polls next month. As the midterm elections draw near, more…
Southwest Kansas has a new accent due to the rapidly growing Latino population in the area.New research from Kansas State University and its Kansas Speaks…
A lesser-known radio station in Wichita has become an oasis on the dial for those who don't speak English.La Raza 99.7 FM is considered a vital…
Traditionally, most university Spanish degrees have focused on literature and culture. One college in Wichita has changed its Spanish language program to…