Senate committee to consider bonds for federal biosecurity lab in Manhattan; Doctor linked to Ft. Riley soldiers' overdoses remains jailed; New law…
Updated at 9:45 amKansas government jobs, but not benefits, up last year; Former cheerleading coach convicted on sex crimes; Brownback calls KU an…
Regents plan to revisit concealed weapons policy; Brownback signs bill ending ban AIDS quarantine ban; Sierra Club irked at ozone monitor shutdown; Higher…
President Obama cancels trip to Kansas; Brownback signs drug testing bill; Science standards raise cost concern; Brownback wants study of higher…
Kansas surgeon treats victims of Boston bombing; Analysts call Kansas tax plan worst in nation; Westar energy requests rate hike; New park proposed for…
Board of Education will receive updated science standards Tuesday; Wichita officials ask residents to help reduce summer ozone levels; President Obama…
Medicare Competitive Bidding Program Expands To WichitaThe program began a little more than two years ago to help Medicare avoid overpaying for items like…
Wichita pastor accused of staking faces hearing; $714 million for Manhattan biosecurity lab in Obama's budget; Fewer Kansans getting health insurance…
Despite rain, ground still too dry for burning; Judge orders restitution in child porn case; Washburn University holding Jules Verne film fest. Burn Ban…
Kansas budget still not set as lawmakers take a break from the Statehouse; The Kansas Board of Education is set to adopt new history standards; Rain helps…
University of Kansas Medical Center to start stem cell research; Lawmakers pass bill to reduce telecom regulations; Opponents see abortion bill as a new…
House legalizes switchblades; Kan. Department of Ag moving to Manhattan; Bill with HIV quarantine concerns is advancing.House Passes Bill Legalizing…