The initiatives come a year after the Sedgwick County Commission signed onto a national resolution to reduce the number of people with mental illness in jail.
The messages were discovered when Wichita Police were investigating Maxfield for stalking an ex-girlfriend – which he pleaded no contest to last year.
TOPEKA, Kansas — Kansas is unmatched in its tracking of ex-convicts , resulting in more than 21,000 people convicted of sex, drug or violent crimes...
Sedgwick County District Attorney Marc Bennett ruled Friday that a deputy involved in a fatal shooting earlier this year acted in self-defense.Bennett…
The Wichita Police Department is hosting a city-wide event on Saturday to hear feedback about law enforcement from community members.The “What’s Going On…
Crime-fighting efforts in Wichita drained the Sedgwick County Sheriff’s budget this year and pushed the county jail beyond capacity.Sheriff Jeff Easter…
Multiple organizations in Wichita that provide mental health, substance abuse and homeless services plan to team up with the police department and the…
The Regional Forensic Science Center is getting new equipment to help identify opioid drugs that are circulating in south-central Kansas.Sedgwick County…
Sedgwick County is adding a new full-time position within the Sheriff’s Office to work on the growing problem of jail inmates who have drug or alcohol…
A candlelight vigil is planned for Tuesday night to honor Sedgwick County Sheriff’s Deputy Robert Kunze.Kunze was shot and killed Sunday afternoon during…