At issue is the physical area the state analyzed in a 2023 health study near the 29th and Grove contamination site.
The County Commission approved an agreement with the state that will release $1.5 million for health testing. The City Council voted in favor of providing $125,000 in local match funding.
Wichita community members learned of a decades-old chemical spill at 29th and Grove in 2022. In 2024, the Kansas legislature allocated money for health testing near the area — but the dollars have been caught up in a bureaucratic, logistical and political struggle since then.
Textron to provide air quality testing in East Wichita neighborhood above decades-old chemical spillThe groundwater is contaminated with trichloroethene, a chemical that may increase the risk of certain cancers.
The spill contaminated about three miles of groundwater underneath neighborhoods in northeast Wichita.
The federal class-action lawsuit claims Union Pacific concealed a chemical spill near 29th and Grove, which led to declining property values since the spill came to light last year.
The center received $10 million in federal funding from the EPA.
The meeting devolved after residents were asked to share feedback or questions in writing or at staffed tables instead of being allowed to address the entire room.
The health center is currently seeking funds so it can provide the screenings at no cost to patients.
City, county and state elected officials condemned the state’s communication surrounding a contaminated site northeast of downtown Wichita and called for improvement going forward.