Magda Eklund is a psychiatrist living in New York City approaching her 70th birthday. Her best friend, Sara, had planned a road trip for herself and Magda to celebrate the milestone. But before the trip can come to fruition, Sara passes. To help get past her crippling grief, Magda takes the trip anyway.

This is the plot of Anna Montague’s debut novel, How Does That Make You Feel, Magda Eklund? I recently spoke with Montague about turning the tables on a psychiatrist who needs help. Here’s our conversation.
How Does That Make You Fee, Magda Eklund by Anna Montague was published by Ecco.
Marginalia was produced at KMUW Wichita and is part of the NPR Podcast Network.
- Mark Statzer and Torin Andersen - engineers
- Lu Anne Stephens & Haley Crowson - editors
- Haley Crowson & Katie Lanning - producers
- Karlee Cooper - marketing coordinator
- Beth Golay - host