Food: Resolutions

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Every New Year brings fresh resolutions to us all.Most of them revolve around weight loss and exercise. I am astonished every year by the next new weight loss fad, whether it be some new ketone, or a miracle extract made of exotic fruit, or a fast that promises melting pounds of fat with little or no effort.

All I know about weight loss is this: Expend more calories than you take in. That’s easy math. No magic bullet required.Many of my friends have gotten juicers for the holidays, and if you want to grind up your food and drink it, that’s great.I just enjoy the teeth I have and need to use them.I don’t even like non-healthy smoothies.I feel if you are going to eat, chew.I know it is hard to get enough fruits and vegetables in a regular day, so juice away if you like.Eventually you will want to bite something. Kale salad is a good place to start.

Some of the best eating advice ever is from Michael Pollan, author of Food Rules.He says, “Eat food, not too much, mostly plants.” This advice will help keep you on track.Exercise is also essential, so move around as much as you can, join a dance class, walk the dogs, get off your butt.We have a beautiful brand new YMCA downtown-- it's time to get moving.

There are good places for eating plant-based food if you have no desire to cook.Lotus Leaf Café and Creperie, Delish Deli at Food for Thought, and the new Garden Grill Café at Occidental Plaza are great local restaurants that will help you in your quest for better nutrition, and they are all conveniently located near the new Y.Good luck with your resolutions, and keep chewing, my friends.

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  1. Lotus Leaf Café
  2. Restaurant Review: Delish Deli