Reno County health officials say the number of suspected cases of whooping cough has risen lately, but the spread is slowing.The Hutchinson News reports…
Officials with the Reno County Health Department say an outbreak of pertussis, often called whooping cough, is still active.According to the Kansas…
Health officials in Reno County are trying to bring an outbreak of pertussis, or whooping cough, under control. Heartland Health Monitor’s Bryan Thompson…
A south-central Kansas county is investigating its first case of whooping cough in a decade.Kingman County officials say a student at Kingman High School…
Pottawatomie County in northeast Kansas is seeing an outbreak of whooping cough cases.All schools within the Wamego School District have had free…
Sedgwick County health officials are reporting an unusually high number of cases of whooping cough this year.The county health department says it's…
Kansas has had more cases of whooping cough, or pertussis, in the first half of this year than in all of last year. Health officials have confirmed 56…