For the past year, KMUW has been part of a new project from StoryCorps called One Small Step—conversations between strangers across the political divide.…
For the past year, KMUW has been involved with StoryCorps' One Small Step initiative, which brings people together with opposing political beliefs to have…
For the past year, KMUW has been part of a new project from StoryCorps called One Small Step—conversations between strangers across the political divide.…
KMUW's Engage ICT: Digital Democracy on Tap and Kansas Leadership Center partnered to present One Small Step: Courageous Political Conversations on…
Wichita is one of four cities in which StoryCorps is anchoring One Small Step in 2021 with more opportunities to record, share, and preserve conversations…
How One Small Step WorksPeople interested in taking part in a One Small Step conversation should fill out our Questionnaire for potential participants.…
Whom should I bring for the One Small Step conversation? KMUW is asking potential participants to fill out a Questionnaire and based on the responses, we…