Sedgwick County is offering free HIV testing on Friday for World AIDS Day.Conventional testing will be available at the county Division of Health on West…
Tuesday is National HIV Testing Day, and clinics in Wichita are offering the tests to all adults for free.The Centers for Disease Control says that one in…
The Sedgwick County Health Department will be offering free conventional HIV testing for World AIDS Day.The screenings will take place on Wednesday, Nov.…
Tomorrow marks National HIV Testing Day throughout the country. It’s estimated that 1.2 million Americans have the disease and about 14 percent of those…
The Sedgwick County Health Department plans to offer free HIV tests this week as part of National HIV Testing Day.The procedures will be offered Friday…
House legalizes switchblades; Kan. Department of Ag moving to Manhattan; Bill with HIV quarantine concerns is advancing.House Passes Bill Legalizing…
Lawmakers could soon take a final vote on a controversial bill updating the state's laws for testing people who may have been exposed to some contagious…
State health officials are working to quiet concerns that a bill would allow for the quarantine of people with HIV.The bill is aimed at protecting…
Kansas House and Senate moving toward income tax deal; Union paycheck bill signed by governor; Kansas economy slipped slightly in March.Tax Negotiations…
Updated March 29, 2:29 p.m.The Kansas Department of Health and Environment sent a news release Friday to address concerns about the substitute in House…