The program manager estimates around 50 landlord-tenant cases in Sedgwick County had been mediated as of late September, more than a year after the program begun. Meanwhile, the county typically sees around 5,000 eviction filings, or more, per year.
Landlords, tenants and housing assistance nonprofits say inflation, rising rents and the end of pandemic assistance contributed to the increase in filings.
Some council members said they’ve heard from tenants who faced retaliation after complaining of poor housing conditions.
State law makes it illegal for landlords to retaliate against tenants for complaining to city inspectors, but there is no enforcement agency.
Tenants of Lew McGinnis say his apartments are in a state of disrepair, yet evictions are filed quickly and repeatedly.
Retaliatory evictions are technically illegal, but some Wichita city officials say they happen anyway.
A new eviction resolution program is coordinating services for people going through the eviction process, including mediation, legal advice and informational resources.
The state agency handling the bulk of emergency rental assistance in Kansas is falling behind on distributing funds.
More and more Kansans who lost jobs because of the coronavirus are falling behind in their rent and mortgage payments.As many as 40 million Americans –…
Gov. Laura Kelly on Monday imposed a new ban on evictions and foreclosures on home mortgages in Kansas because one federal program to aid unemployed…