
June New Blues Releases Show

June 2/4

It’s “New Month/New Music” time as Crossroads teams up with Global Village and Strange Currency at the beginning of every month to feature the best in new blues releases. 

Among the highlights this time are new titles from:

The return of hit blues-rocker Selwyn Birchwood

Chicago blues veteran John Primer’s salute to Magic Slim

The latest ‘From the Vaults’ release from Bob Corritore with a focus on Chicago Blues

A compilation of classic tracks and rarities from R&B horn man Big Jay McNeely (also helping to kick off the June Blue Horns feature)

And KC pre-war blues duo Hudspeth & Taylor

Chris Heim produces and hosts Global Village, a nationally and internationally distributed world music show; the nightly jazz show Night Train, and Crossroads, KMUW’s twice-weekly blues and R&B show. Chris is also a critic and freelance writer whose work has appeared in the Chicago Tribune, Utne, Global Rhythm, Dirty Linen, and Option, among others.