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Monday, June 10, 2024

Russia keeps threatening to use nuclear weapons. The United States, China and North Korea are beefing up their arsenals. The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists has set its “Dooms Day Clock” at 90 seconds to midnight. But a Kansas City musician set up his pedal steel guitar in a Cold War missile silo to record a hopeful reminder that nuclear war is not inevitable.

Plus more on these stories:

  • It’s been an active year for tornadoes and other severe storms in the middle of the U.S.
  • Kansas and Missouri continue to lose wetlands, which are vital to fighting pollution and floods.
  • Kansas State University has broken ground on its Agriculture Innovation Initiative to attract more students from diverse backgrounds into the state’s ag industry.
  • The long overdue Farm Bill is finally making its way through Congress, after the House agriculture committee recently advanced a proposal.
  • KMUW's book reviewer Suzanne Perez just finished a new thriller and says it will keep you turning pages ... and asking important questions about race and social justice.

Producer: Lu Anne Stephens
Editors: Tom Shine and Lu Anne Stephens
Contributors: Celia Llopis-Jepsen, Calen Moore, Frank Morris, Suzanne Perez, Elizabeth Rembert Skyler Rossi,
Theme music: Torin Andersen
Digital editor: Beth Golay and Karlee Cooper

Lu Anne Stephens is KMUW's Director of Content and Assistant General Manager. She has held many positions over many years at KMUW. Lu Anne also produces KMUW’s New Settler's Radio Hour and the Hidden Kansas segment for KMUW’s weekly news program The Range.