As families gather over the holiday break, it’s the perfect time to sit down together with an old-fashioned board game. Suzanne Perez talked with the owner of a Wichita toy store about what’s new and interesting in the world of games.
Plus more on these stories:
- The City of Wichita has re-opened bids for groups interested in revitalizing the former downtown library.
- More Kansas students are qualifying for special education services at school.
- The Kansas judicial branch has begun restoring access to its computer system across the state.
- Garden City police say they are investigating an officer’s actions after cell phone video showed him slamming a student to the ground last week.
- Governors from Iowa, Nebraska and Missouri met with the Army Corps of Engineers in Omaha Thursday.
- Kansas Governor Laura Kelly will give her State the of State address on January 10th in Topeka.
- Wichita will host another round of open houses in the next week for 11 public housing units it's selling.
- Wichita State University announced that Juneteenth will become an official university holiday beginning in 2024.
Producers: Beth Golay and Lu Anne Stephens
Editors: Beth Golay and Tom Shine
Contributors: Jennifer Anima, Kylie Cameron, Celia Hack, Calen Moore, Suzanne Perez, Elizabeth Rembert, and Tom Shine
Theme music: Torin Andersen
Digital editor: Karlee Cooper