At the end of 2020, when we all needed something nice to talk about, instead of a typical best movies of the year list, I decided to talk about the movies I’d seen for the first time that year that gave me the most personal enjoyment, regardless of when they originally came out. And I’ve continued each year since, so here’s my list for 2023:
Back in April, I saw the newest film from director Kelly Reichardt, called Showing Up. This one stars Michelle Williams as a prickly sculptor who works at an art school in Portland, and who’s preparing for her next show. It’s a joy to see people in their artistic process, and this movie is chock full of that.
In May, I finally saw Brian De Palma’s 1980 thriller Dressed to Kill, and while that movie’s problems are evident, as a piece of filmmaking it’s an absolute blast, with De Palma at the top of his game in his technical creativity. There were times I found myself actually cackling because of how much fun I was having watching the director work.
Also in May, I just kind of stumbled upon a 1988 film called Powwow Highway. It’s a road movie following two men traveling from the Cheyenne Reservation in Montana down to New Mexico. It’s a little gem, but the real treasure is the performance by the great Gary Farmer, who’s as wholly present as anyone I’ve seen in a long time.
Speaking of performances, this year’s Alexander Payne movie The Holdovers has at least two that are sure-fire Oscar nominees, and for me, ought to be winners. I’ve reviewed this one already, but I watched it again and my love for it has only grown.
And as for love: I love, love, love a French film from last year called The Taste of Things. It takes place mostly in the kitchen and dining room of a 19th-century epicure, and features, long, long scenes of people simply making food. But it’s a rich, gorgeous display of people expressing love through the making and eating of food, and that’s something that speaks directly to my heart.