Rainn Wilson is best known for his role as Dwight in the TV show “The Office,” which ran for nine seasons and attracted millions of superfans worldwide.
He's also the author of three books, the latest of which is titled SoulBoom: Why We Need a Spiritual Revolution, and while it certainly has its comedic moments, it’s also a reflection of the current state of the world and says that we should embrace spirituality to cure some of our deepest problems.
I recently spoke with Rainn Wilson about the roots of his own spirituality and why he has hope for a better world.
SoulBoom: Why We Need a Spiritual Revolution was published by Hachette.
Marginalia was produced at KMUW Wichita and is part of the NPR Podcast Network.
- Mark Statzer and Torin Andersen - engineers
- Lu Anne Stephens & Haley Crowson - editors
- Haley Crowson - producer
- Karlee Cooper - marketing coordinator
- Beth Golay - host