Set in Montgomery, Alabama in the early 1970’s, Take My Hand follows a Black nurse working at a family planning clinic who is desperate to do the right thing, whatever that might be. Author Dolen Perkins-Valdez was inspired by the United States’ history with administering forced birth control and sterilizations, and the result is a moving and emotional account of the impact of this horrific practice.
I recently spoke with Dolen Perkins-Valdez about this book and her inspiration. This episode of Marginalia features that conversation.
Take My Hand by Dolen Perkins-Valdez was published by Berkley.
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Marginalia was produced at KMUW Wichita.
- Mark Statzer and Torin Andersen - engineers
- Lu Anne Stephens - editor
- Haley Crowson - producer
- Karlee Cooper - intern
- Beth Golay - host
Follow Beth Golay on Twitter @BethGolay.