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Into Music: Alex Tebeleff

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Gwen Morier

Alex Tebeleff is a Los Angeles-based musician, composer, teacher, mixer and producer. His latest release is the self-titled debut album from the duo How???, which he formed with his longtime friend Matt Dowling. Dowling and Tebeleff were previously members of Paperhaus, the long-running Washington, D.C. band that was also at the center of a famed indie music venue of the same name. Tebeleff has also recorded under the moniker Blacklodge.

In this conversation, Tebeleff discusses the diverse music he heard in his childhood home, the guitar teacher who introduced him to funk and broader geopolitical perspectives, the impact the band Radiohead has had on him and his love of James Brown.

Host/producer/editor: Jedd Beaudoin
Digital producers: Karlee Cooper, Beth Golay, Hugo Phan
Production assistance: Fletcher Powell
Theme music: Torin Andersen

Jedd Beaudoin is host/producer of the nationally syndicated program Strange Currency. He has also served as an arts reporter, a producer of A Musical Life and a founding member of the KMUW Movie Club. As a music journalist, his work has appeared in Pop Matters, Vox, No Depression and Keyboard Magazine.