En Route

Waiting to escape the heat by going en route

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Outside Wichita's Transit Center on a hot summer day
Beth Golay

For her En Route series, Beth Golay normally shares conversations she records while riding Wichita Transit. This month, the conversation took place at the downtown Transit Center, where riders were waiting for buses to arrive ... and trying to escape the heat.

Beth Golay goes En Route with transit riders across Wichita. Her conversations are featured monthly on The Range. Follow her on Twitter @BethGolay, or you can probably track her down on Route 21.

Beth Golay is KMUW's Director of Marketing and Digital Content. She is the host of the KMUW podcast Marginalia and co-host with Suzanne Perez of the Books & Whatnot podcast. You can find her on Wichita Transit in conversation with other riders for En Route, a monthly segment on KMUW's weekly news program The Range.