Joe Stumpe/The Active Age
Gerald Norwood is a Wichita collector of "African Americana" — letters, legal papers and other artifacts of the black experience in the United States. His collection documents the triumphant as well as tragic aspects of black life in the United States.
ARISE, a Wichita singing group that specializes in Negro Spirituals, is traveling to Paris to perform as part of the Black History Month celebrations.
Wichita's south central neighborhood is an older part of the city with promise and problems.
A small Sedgwick County town is endanger of losing its nursing home.
The Roving Pantry, a program that delivers groceries to seniors, is in danger of shutting down.
The Sedgwick County Medical Society has launched an initiative called the Brown Family Fund for Black Physician Recruitment. It's named after the Brown family, which has produced three generations of doctors.