Kansas Congressional Delegation Reacts To Transgender Ban

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Kansas lawmakers are divided in their support, or lack of it, when responding to President Donald Trump's notice on Wednesday regarding transgendered people in the U.S. Military.

Trump announced on twitter that the U.S. military "will not accept or allow" transgender people to serve.

Reaction came swiftly and passionately, and sometimes negatively, from Trump’s own party members.

The Associated Press reports that Rep. Kevin Yoder and Rep. Lynn Jenkins both released statements saying that anyone who wants to serve in the military should be allowed to do so.

Rep. Roger Marshall said that he supports Trump's ban because the president made the decision after consulting his generals.

Sen. Pat Roberts said that he wants to hear more from the military.

The AP reports that all of Kansas' congressional members voted earlier this year in favor of an amendment which would prohibit therapies and surgeries for transgender troops. That amendment failed.


Aileen LeBlanc is news director at KMUW. Follow her on Twitter @Aileen_LeBlanc.


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