© 2024 Kansas News Service
Stories from across Kansas

We’re the Kansas News Service, a collaboration of public media newsrooms delivering critical reporting of sound and substance. Our work is broadcast every day to virtually all of Kansas, and shared online and in newspapers in every corner of the state.

The Kansas News Service deploys journalists across the state to cover stories that truly matter in people’s lives. We work to make sense of the issues and events affecting the health and well-being of Kansans, their communities, and the state overall — with an emphasis on education, health and the gears of government.

The Kansas News Service gathers and produces stories in the same way, and to the same standards, as the biggest news organizations around. But as a nonprofit, we’re free from commercial pressures — demands for web clicks, for instance — that can pull other journalists away from important stories.

The Kansas News Service is directed by KCUR 89.3 in Kansas City, in partnership with KMUW in Wichita, Kansas Public Radio in Lawrence and High Plains Public Radio in Garden City. Other public and commercial stations carry our work. There’s virtually no spot in Kansas that can’t pull in a signal from a station with the rich content of the news service.


The Kansas News Service thrives through the collaboration of public radio stations across the state. Based at KCUR in Kansas City, KNS draws on the newsrooms of Kansas Public Radio in Lawrence, KMUW in Wichita and High Plains Public Radio in Garden City.


The Kansas News Service launched in 2017 with a start-up grant from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. That support, by design, has expired. Our partners rely largely on their listeners for financial help, and those contributions to public radio stations help pay the salaries of KNS reporters. We also depend heavily on grant funding from the Kansas Grantmakers in Health, which represent the six health care conversion foundations in Kansas: the Kansas Health Foundation, the REACH Healthcare Foundation, the Health Forward Foundation, the Sunflower Foundation, the United Methodist Health Ministry Fund, and the Wyandotte Health Foundation.


We'd love to hear from you. You can reach us on Facebook.

You can also reach out to Kansas News Service managing editor Stephen Koranda at skoranda@kcur.org.