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Rainn Wilson talks about his lifelong spiritual journey

RAINN WILSON: When I discovered "Star Trek," it changed my life.


The actor Rainn Wilson says while other kids may have been focused on the spaceships and alien creatures, he was seeing deeper messages that, unironically, have helped guide his life.

WILSON: I can't tell you how much that show meant to me on so many different levels.

MCCAMMON: In his new book "Soul Boom," Rainn Wilson tells the story of his spiritual life, from the sci-fi he watched growing up to rediscovering the Baha'i faith he was raised in. And, yes, you might be asking yourself...

WILSON: Why the hell would the guy who played Dwight on "The Office" be writing a book about spirituality?

MCCAMMON: NPR's Rachel Martin is here to answer that question. Hey, Rachel.


MCCAMMON: Yeah, so what is the answer? I mean, what does Rainn Wilson have to say about spirituality?

MARTIN: He has so many things to say. He has done the thinking on all the biggest questions. You know, he's very introspective. He talks very openly about big questions like God. Is there a divine power? And what is our moral purpose in the world?

MCCAMMON: Yeah, from the sound of it, he's been thinking about these questions in different ways for a really long time, maybe his whole life. What was it that drew you to his story?

MARTIN: To be honest, these are some of my own personal preoccupations, you know? I am thinking through the same things. What is our purpose here in this world, and how do we create meaning in our lives? So we're going to use this space as a place to explore these questions. Over the next several weeks, we're launching this series, and we're calling it Enlighten Me.

MCCAMMON: Yeah. And, Rachel, I'm so excited for this new series you've started, you know, selfishly, because I think about this stuff all the time too. I can't wait to see what you discover. What's it going to look like?

MARTIN: Every week, we're going to bring you a very intimate conversation with a person who is working on building their own spiritual identity. Some of the names you'll recognize; some of the names you won't. But the common thread is that they're all people who are trying to find their own answers to life's biggest questions.

MCCAMMON: OK, well, I'm excited to hear how this all played out with Rainn Wilson and where he's at with all of these giant questions.

MARTIN: Right. Well, remember, he's a TV star, so he didn't just watch a lot of TV as a kid for entertainment. He found deep meaning there. And as we heard earlier, one of his favorite shows was "Star Trek." And he explained why watching it religiously was actually kind of a religious experience for him.

WILSON: So for me, when I look at "Star Trek," yes, it is a bunch of folks on a spaceship boldly going where no man has gone before.


WILSON: But it's also about the next stage of the evolution of humanity on planet Earth. You see, the backstory to "Star Trek" that a lot of people don't know is that there has been a horrific World War III. And coming out of the ashes of that war, humanity has essentially solved racism, solved sexism, has solved income inequality, and is then able, in its maturity, to go out into space and explore and spread the word.


WILSON: I am old enough, NPR, to remember the '70s, when people would actually talk about world peace...

MARTIN: And mean it. Not, like, as an irony. Right.

WILSON: And mean it. And we believed that we could have peace, especially with the end of the Cold War. And nowadays, you bring up world peace and you just get that big, collective eyeroll like, oh, my God, you're the most naive idiot to walk the face of the earth to even consider world peace. Human animals are self-serving and aggressive and backstabbing and will never have peace. We'll only have a kind of detente where hopefully we're not blowing each other up as we slowly, slowly destroy our planet all the while. So...

MARTIN: And do you not think that?

WILSON: I don't think that. I think that there is one story of humanity which is tribal and which is about aggression and is about conquest. And that's one story. That's one mythology of humanity, right? There's another one where humans lived at peace with nature, where humans were cooperative or kind to each other or worked together, shared knowledge and enlightenment and moved forward and into progress. So we can focus on that mythology of humanity.


MARTIN: Like a lot of people who grew up in a faith tradition they inherited from their parents - right? - you fell away, like so many people do. But then in your early 20s, you were going through a hard time. You were working through a lot of mental health issues, and you found it again. Can you walk me through what that process was like? Did it feel very comfortable, like going back home, or were you hesitant about - it's sort of not the cool thing to be, like, the religious guy.

WILSON: It's so not cool to be religious.


WILSON: It is - and it's so funny because I've always identified as being a dork and a misfit and an outsider. Maybe that's why I played Dwight so effectively, apparently. And Hollywood comics and comedic actors are filled with misfits and alienated outsiders. But then you throw into the mix, I'm a religious person and my religious faith, which is the Baha'i faith, is a very important part of my life. Oh, Rainn Wilson is also a member of this obscure Eastern religion and talks about God with Oprah and whatnot? Like, they - believe me, the stand-up comics and comedic actors of Hollywood have no idea what to do. I alienated even the unalienatable (ph)

MARTIN: (Laughter).

WILSON: But, yes, you're absolutely right. I rejected anything and everything to do with religion and faith and spirituality when I was in my 20s and pursuing my career as an actor and my education as an actor and the theater in New York. I didn't want anything to do with morality or God or hypocrisy of religion. I viewed religion as a weakness, used as a crutch by weak people, and spent many years as an atheist. And, well, then things just started to break down for me. So I suffered from really crippling anxiety. I had regular anxiety attacks that would render me lying on the floor in a pool of sweat - no joke. But it led me back on a spiritual quest where I was like, you know, maybe I lost something by getting rid of anything and everything to do with spirituality. Maybe there's some answer there. So go figure.

MARTIN: You described talking to friends in this time about what they thought about a higher power, and you were not satisfied with their answers. What were they telling you?

WILSON: So I would ask my friends, hey, do you believe in God? - which is a great way - a great conversation.

MARTIN: Good time at parties - Rainn Wilson.

WILSON: (Laughter) I would go to parties and be like, hey, do you believe in God? And people would gulp and turn ashen and bolt in the other direction.

MARTIN: Where's the hummus?

WILSON: Check, please. But almost to a person - my artist friends would say, well, I certainly don't believe in an old man on a cloud, you know, with an agenda scowling down at us. But I definitely - I believe that there's something more out there. There's some kind of energy, some kind of eternal creative juice, something going on out there. And that was fine, and I was with them on that. But that wasn't enough for me. I was like, wait a second. So there either is a God or there's not.

MARTIN: But do you really not think there's a gradation? Like, you're so sure that there is God?

WILSON: Oh, yeah, sure is not the word. I know there's a God. It's not a faith thing. God is as real to me as my body is. Let me put it this way. Let's back up and get a little mystical for a second.


WILSON: In the Baha'i faith, there's a prayer we say every day where we say, I bear witness on my God that thou hast created me to know thee and to worship thee. And we say this prayer every day. We have been created to know and worship God, according to the Baha'i mythology. And at the same time, in the Baha'i writings, the No. 1 way to describe God is unknowable. So here we are. We have been created to know the unknowable. I love that. That makes my head sizzle with excitement. I get that. So I'm trying to know the great mystery - to know the unknowable. That's a process. It's not a destination. It's not something you arrive at. It's an ever-evolving process of understanding what it is to be in the midst of life.


MARTIN: You believe there's God. You believe God made the world and that there is also intention in that, is what I discerned from your writing, that it's not all random, right? And I'm going to quote from your book. "Surely it" - God - "can't have created all of us sad and beautiful human beings and cast us on this planet like a bunch of ants in an ant farm to simply have at it with a good luck pat on the back and a sign-off of, hey, enjoy all this random, useless beauty." But why not?

WILSON: I wrote that? That's really good.

MARTIN: You did.

WILSON: That's good.

MARTIN: I know. I love that. But I guess I am - I stand in awe of your assuredness as someone who, myself, is seeking some kind of intention in the randomness of life. But how do you know it's not all just random?

WILSON: How do I know? I guess the best analogy I can give is that I know that I love. I know that I love my wife. I know that I love my son. I know that I love my father, who passed away a few years back. And forgive me for tearing up on the radio. It's a terrible place to tear up on.

MARTIN: It's the best 'cause we can't see you.

WILSON: But - and how do I know that? Like, if I went in to a scientist and said, prove to me that I love - and they'd say, well, we're going to do some brain scans and an MRI and a CT scan, and we're going to look at what parts of your brain light up and - but that's not love. That's not love. And I will never believe that love is simply a chemical, neurological response in order to, you know, continue the species propagating itself. My experience of love is far deeper and more profound than that. So that's the first step in knowing that there is a creative force in the universe is I know that there is love. I also know that there is beauty. I also know that there is art and there is music. And all of these things that are ineffable and transcendent and transport my spirits are footprints. They're handholds on the path to finding the great mystery.


MARTIN: You write that sacredness is a condition, and I loved that line. If sacredness is a condition, how does that manifest for you in a daily way?

WILSON: Boy, that's such a great question. I want to go to the quote that I can't quite remember from Thich Nhat Hanh, that - it's essentially, in the eyes of someone who is awake, all things are sacred. And there has been a profound loss of the sacred in contemporary Western civilization. Nothing is sacred anymore. And I think sacredness and holiness is part of the conversation that we need to have collectively. You know, what is sacred, and how does it work? We can certainly experience it in nature and, you know, for religious people, we can experience it in holy sites. But how can we nurture the sacred as a condition in our hearts that we can carry with us so that a conversation like we're having can be sacred, so that, you know, a place where you contemplate life and the world can be sacred?

MARTIN: To see sacredness in the everyday means purging yourself of cynicism - doesn't it? - which is sort of the social currency of the moment, it seems.

WILSON: Yeah. I was fortunate as an actor to study with the great acting teacher, Andre Gregory, the focus of the movie "My Dinner With Andre," and he would meet with the students. And I had tea with him once, and he said, how are you doing, Rainn? And I said, you know, Andre, I'm just feeling so cynical. I'm feeling pessimistic. Nothing's - the world is a pile of crap, and it's getting worse. And I'll never forget this experience. He grabbed my arm - I mean, even back then, he was, like, 80 years old. Now he's, like, 110. He grabbed my arm like a vise, and he looked into my eyes and he said, stop it. Don't do it. Don't be cynical. Everything wants you to be cynical. Everything out there in the world wants you to be pessimistic. If you're cynical, they win. You have to keep hope alive.

And that was transformative. And I walked out into the West Village, out of his apartment, and I really saw the world in a different way and realized that fostering hope and fostering joy in others is maybe our highest spiritual calling that we can do. We have to keep hope alive that we can transform ourselves, that we can transform the planet. And that is a key pillar to the spiritual revolution.


MCCAMMON: That was NPR's Rachel Martin speaking with the actor Rainn Wilson. His new book is called "Soul Boom." And you can hear more of Rachel's new series, Enlighten Me, right here, same time, next Sunday.

(SOUNDBITE OF MUSIC) Transcript provided by NPR, Copyright NPR.

Rachel Martin is a host of Morning Edition, as well as NPR's morning news podcast Up First.